Worried About Not Getting Enough For Your Injury Claim? Follow These 3 Simple Steps To Maximize Your Claim
When injured in an accident, you are stuck trying to figure out how to handle the situation and make sure you aren't taken advantage of in the long run. With so many different things going on at one time, it isn't always easy to know what you should or shouldn't be doing. The last thing you want is to be taken advantage of because you didn't do something you were supposed to in the beginning. Instead of worrying about whether you are going to get the money you deserve for your claim, follow these three simple steps to maximize your claim amount.
Go to all medical appointments as instructed.
From the minute you get injured, you need to make sure you are following up with a healthcare provider on your injuries. Whether you go to the emergency room in an ambulance or on your own, you need to make sure you get looked at right away. If your doctor recommends physical therapy, you need to make sure you go to all of your appointments. Don't skip out on appointments. It is more important than ever that you stick to the treatment plan provided.
Keep accurate records of everything.
Write down everything you can think of pertaining to your accident and injuries. Documenting your treatment plan and path to recovery can go a long way in proving your case to the court. It will show a history of what you are dealing with and the timeline for recovery.
Get a licensed attorney working on your case.
Above all else, you need a licensed attorney working on your side. This will ensure the insurance company doesn't try to take advantage of you or trick you into making statements and signing papers that you shouldn't. Your attorney will advise you of what you should or shouldn't be doing. If the insurance company wants to speak with you about your claim, your attorney will be there with you and let you know if you should answer their questions or not.
By following the three tips above, you can make sure you get the settlement amount you deserve. There is no reason why you should have to settle for less than what you are entitled to receive. It might take a little time and patience, but it will be well worth it in the end when you get what you should from the whole ordeal. Visit an attorney like Burke Schultz Harman & Jenkinson Attorneys at Law today for more information.